Testimonials of organized Voter Fraud in Bridgeport

Testimonials of organized Voter Fraud in Bridgeport

In their own words and with shocking detail. Remember this will illustrate why absentee ballot voting is a not the safest way to vote. Courtesy of the Bipartisan Policy Organization
Testimonials of organized Voter Fraud in Bridgeport

State Officials, Media Mum on Connecticut Voter Fraud Findings

State Officials, Media Mum on Connecticut Voter Fraud Findings ELECTION INFRASTRUCTURE “NOT BEING ADDRESSED” by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 10, 2021) — Ongoing work on the part of the Connecticut-based, non-partisan organization FightVoterFraud, Inc. indicate...
Testimonials of organized Voter Fraud in Bridgeport

Rhode Island Hearing: H 6099

Today, Linda and I were invited to testify on Election Integrity issues to Rhode Island Lawmakers in support of HB 6099 – Supporting Testimony by Dominic Rapini – April 12, 2021 In Connecticut, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. is becoming increasingly aware of a problem...