Many voters were not properly registered casting further doubt on the integrity of election day registrations

March 30, 2021 – Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. – Ongoing analysis of the November 3, 2020 election voter data has uncovered evidence that suggests that the surge of new voter registrations on election day may have overwhelmed polling precincts. Voter registration data for the election on November 3, 2020 indicates that 28% of the EDR voters where not fully registered when they voted on election day, raising more questions about how voters could have been fully vetted and verified before casting votes.

Press Release- Research Reveals Flaws in Connecticut EDR Program


We’re fighting the Bridgeport Ballot stuffing case head-on. The Connecticut AG has called us “vigilantes.” Now, we’re going to the CT Supreme Court to fight for every legal voter’s voice to be heard. Bringing our case to the Connecticut Supreme Court requires resources from the generous support of individuals like you who believe in the power of “We The People.”

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