
DMF Cloud Services

Using Social Security Administration’s Death Master File

We are pleased to announce that we have enhanced our forensic audit process to clean voter rolls by including automated matching of voter data with decedent records contained in the official Death Master File (DMF). The DMF is maintained by the Social Security Administration and is updated each week. To date, this file contains over 102 million decedent records.

This matching process is provided by FSC, Inc., using their web-based, DMF Cloud Services server.

FSC has been providing software solutions since 1998. Their DMF Cloud Services are available to States and Municipalities via General Services Administration (GSA) Contract 47QTCA20D007F.

To learn more about these matching services please visit votervetting.com.


We’re fighting the Bridgeport Ballot stuffing case head-on. The Connecticut AG has called us “vigilantes.” Now, we’re going to the CT Supreme Court to fight for every legal voter’s voice to be heard. Bringing our case to the Connecticut Supreme Court requires resources from the generous support of individuals like you who believe in the power of “We The People.”

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