VIDEO: “Linda Szynkowicz - Precise, Thorough, Relentless In Cleaning The Rolls” with L. Todd Wood, CDM Media
Host L. Todd Wood speaks with Linda Szynkowicz of – she is precise, thorough, and relentless in cleaning the rolls nationwide.
ARTICLE: “FVF, Inc. Expands Horizons, Readies Evidence for Law Enforcement in Nine States,” in The Post & Email
A Connecticut-based non-profit, non-partisan election-integrity organization launched in 2018 has expanded its work to include eight other states, Linda Synkowicz, founder and CEO of Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., told The Post & Email in a recent interview.
VIDEO: Linda Szynkowicz’s Interview with Cleta Mitchell on “Who’s Counting?”
Learn about Fight Voter Fraud’s expansion into other states and its unique app designed for citizens to report potential incidents of voter fraud through text, photos, and video. Meet Linda Szynkowicz, an engaged citizen who is working hard to clean America’s voter rolls and how you can help.
NEWS: Election Integrity Reports from Around the Country
Our team of authors of 2020 election-related analyses are unpaid volunteers whose expertise covers a wide range of fields (cyber security, IT, statistics, physics, economics, etc.), and we have generated multiple 2020 election-related reports.