Testimony: Early Voting and Pre-Registering 16-Year-Olds to Vote

Job One: Get Connecticut’s election officials the help they need.

“Imagine if Connecticut had a full-time election workforce with ample time to apply a standard vetting process to each registration and absentee ballot. Trust in Connecticut elections would soar, and so would Connecticut’s turnout, which would be record-breaking. But that is not where we stand today.”

Read Dominic Rapini’s Testimony

About Fight Voter Fraud, Inc.
Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. is a non-partisan organization committed to upholding the integrity of U.S. elections and ensuring that every legal voter’s voice is heard. We work tirelessly to promote transparency and accountability in the electoral process, advocating for measures that prevent fraudulent voting and protect our Representative Republic and the rights of citizens.

For More Information:
Linda Szynkowicz


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