Testifying Against Bill 6205: Expanding COVID-19 as Reason to Vote Absentee in 2021

No Connecticut Citizen should have to decide between voting and violating the Constitution. We thank Christian Adams, President and General Counsel for the Public Interest Legal Foundation, for testifying as our special guest regarding Absentee Ballot Voting in Connecticut without a clean voter roll.

J. Christian Adams’ Testimony

Dominic Rapini’s Testimony

Linda Szynkowicz’s Testimony

About Fight Voter Fraud, Inc.
Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. is a non-partisan organization committed to upholding the integrity of U.S. elections and ensuring that every legal voter’s voice is heard. We work tirelessly to promote transparency and accountability in the electoral process, advocating for measures that prevent fraudulent voting and protect our Representative Republic and the rights of citizens.

For More Information:
Linda Szynkowicz


Voting Data Indicates Potential Underaged Voters in 2020 Election


Research Shows 103 Connecticut Voters May Have Double-Voted in 2020