FVF, Inc. Uncovers Alarming Evidence of Deceased Voters Continuing to “Vote” in Florida

Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. (FVF, Inc.) has recently investigated the voting records of deceased individuals in fifteen counties throughout the state of Florida, as deceased voters were found to have continued voting even after their deaths, with some of them having passed away more than 20 years ago.

The investigation, conducted by FVF, Inc., examined the voting records of 1,436 deceased voters using the State of Florida Voter rolls dated August 9, 2022. Of that sample, 314 of those deceased voters actively voted after their death, some as recent as 2022. This is 21.86% of the voter records investigated. All of the deceased voters included in this tally were still on the voter rolls as of that date, and the investigation encompassed deaths that occurred through January 2023.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) stipulates that only active voters should be listed on the voter rolls. The revelation of deceased voters participating in elections raises serious questions about the accuracy and maintenance of Florida’s voter rolls.

Linda Szynkowicz, Founder and CEO of Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., expressed deep concern over the findings: “Florida has what we call the “Lazarus Effect;” the dead come back to life and vote and more outrageously, some even vote in person. Those responsible for maintaining the voter rolls must answer to the public.”

The investigation revealed varying degrees of discrepancy in different counties, with Duval County emerging as one of the most egregious violators, with 144 deceased voters still casting ballots after their deaths.

In light of these alarming findings, FVF, Inc. demands an immediate investigation by Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody. The following is an excerpt from the letter from Fight Voter Fraud’s Attorney, Cameron Atkinson, urging Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Moody to take swift action to address this critical issue.

An excerpt from Mr. Atkinson’s letter states, “As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the eyes of the nation turn to battleground states, including Florida, for disputes regarding election fraud. The mainstream media might relegate these disputes to the ramblings of conspiracy theorists, but there are major fires beneath the smoke. Enclosed, you will find documents produced by my client – Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. – in the course of a random investigation of 1,436 deceased Florida voters. That investigation revealed that 21.86% of those deceased voters continued to have votes cast in their names after they died. Some have had votes cast in their names for 20 years after they died. This random sampling is the tip of the iceberg.”

“Ghosts can’t vote by law. In Florida, though, ghosts enjoy about a 22% turnout. We call upon Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Moody to open an immediate investigation into why voters who died more than 20 years ago remain on Florida’s voter rolls, and about 22% of them are still voting in Florida, according to official Florida government data,” said Atkinson.

FVF, Inc. is committed to upholding the integrity of our electoral system and ensuring that every vote cast in Florida is done so legally and by eligible voters. We will continue to provide updates on this investigation as more information becomes available.

About Fight Voter Fraud, Inc.
Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. is a non-partisan organization committed to upholding the integrity of U.S. elections and ensuring that every legal voter’s voice is heard. We work tirelessly to promote transparency and accountability in the electoral process, advocating for measures that prevent fraudulent voting and protect our Representative Republic and the rights of citizens.

For More Information:
Linda Szynkowicz


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