ARTICLE: “FVF, Inc. Expands Horizons, Readies Evidence for Law Enforcement in Nine States,” in The Post & Email

by Sharon Rondeau, The Post & Email

(Aug. 2, 2023) — A Connecticut-based non-profit, non-partisan election-integrity organization launched in 2018 has expanded its work to include eight other states, Linda Synkowicz, founder and CEO of Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., told The Post & Email in a recent interview.

FVF seeks to prompt elections officials in municipalities across the country to clean voter rolls of registrants who have relocated, passed away, or are otherwise ineligible to vote under the mantra of “One Vote For One Legal Voter.™”

From our initial interaction with Synkowicz several years ago, The Post & Email learned that from its inception FVF had sought to identify deceased voters whose names continue to appear on Connecticut voter rolls but whose purging is mandated by the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).

Read The Full Article Here.


VIDEO: “Linda Szynkowicz - Precise, Thorough, Relentless In Cleaning The Rolls” with L. Todd Wood, CDM Media


VIDEO: Linda Szynkowicz’s Interview with Cleta Mitchell on “Who’s Counting?”