My name is Dominic Rapini, I am a business person and father of three in New Haven County and I have been a Connecticut voter for over 40 years. Currently I am the board chair of a 501(c)4 non-profit Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. Our organization’s goal is to champion issues of election integrity in Connecticut. 

The issue at hand is Bill 6408 which intends to task Housing Authority resources with the job of disseminating election materials and helping enroll Connecticut citizens as Connecticut voters.  The model describes a process whereby Housing Authority employe ……

Testimony – Bill 6408 Rapini 2:18:21


We’re fighting the Bridgeport Ballot stuffing case head-on. The Connecticut AG has called us “vigilantes.” Now, we’re going to the CT Supreme Court to fight for every legal voter’s voice to be heard. Bringing our case to the Connecticut Supreme Court requires resources from the generous support of individuals like you who believe in the power of “We The People.”

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