
October 25, 2019 Fight Voter Fraud Inc. files SEEC complaint against Hamden, CT for more irregularities in the absentee ballot request process.

October 25th, 2019 – Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. filed a complaint today with the SEEC (State Election Enforcement Commission) against the Hamden Town Clerk, Vera Morrison.

The complaint shows that 18 voters out of 64 that filled out Absentee Ballot Request forms and submitted them to the Hamden Town Clerk that have been mailed actual ballots for the November 5th, 2019 election, were presumed to be illegal under Connecticut State law by the corporate investigators contracted by Fight Voter Fraud Inc. In addition, Absentee Ballot Request forms must be signed out to an individual that shall be accountable for tracking all Absentee Ballot Request forms. In the course of this election cycle alone, Fight Voter Fraud Inc. has learned that Morrison has already allowed hundreds of Absentee Ballot Requests to be signed out to institutions including nursing homes and elderly housing, without identifying an accountable individual as required by State law.

According to Linda Szynkowicz, Founder & CEO of Fight Voter Fraud Inc., “Evidence contained in the documents submitted shows that Vera Morrison’s denial of any wrongdoing, as reported by CTNewsJunkie.com and the CT Post, is implausible. Multiple State Statutes have been violated and the integrity of the Absentee Ballot Request forms and Absentee Ballots in the Town of Hamden, CT have been diminished. All voters should be aware that Voter Fraud is a Class D Felony with a penalty of 1-5 years.”



Linda SzynkowiczFounder & CEO – (860) 575-7125 /
Dominic RapiniVP of Marketing & Development

Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. www.fightvoterfraud.org is a non-profit 501(c) (4) employing a team of investigators and analysts to identify and fight voter fraud. Fight Voter Fraud Inc’s mission is to seek out and resolve incidents of voter fraud and discrepancies in the process that leave open the question of fraud in municipalities. The mission of Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. is to create the conditions for free and fair elections guaranteeing the fundamental right of  ‘One vote for one legal voter.’ 

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