
October 22nd, 2019 -Today Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. filed an injunction in New Haven Superior Court on behalf of voters and candidates asking the court to require the Hamden Town Clerk to comply with state laws governing absentee ballot applications to ensure the fairness of the upcoming election.

Connecticut’s statutes provide requirements that must be followed when absentee ballots are issued in order to protect against voting improprieties from mistakes to fraud. According to state statute, Absentee Ballot Request forms must be signed out to an individual that shall be accountable for tracking all Absentee Ballot Request forms. In the course of this election cycle alone, Fight Voter Fraud Inc. has learned that the Hamden Town Clerk’s office has already allowed hundreds of Absentee Ballot Requests to be signed out to institutions including nursing homes and elderly housing, without identifying an accountable individual as required by state law.

“When Absentee Ballot Request forms are not tracked to an accountable individual it opens the question of fraud” says Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. Founder and CEO Linda Szynkowicz. Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. seeks an immediate injunction preventing the Town of Hamden from sending out any Absentee Ballots until such time as the Absentee Ballot Request forms become compliant with state law.

Dominic Rapini, Fight Voter Fraud Board member adds: “As we have seen in Bridgeport, CT the Absentee Ballot Request process is broken and we must work harder than ever to promote strict adherence to the state’s elections laws. In contrast to the election challenge at issue in Bridgeport, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. brings this legal action ahead of the November 5th election to ensure that there is time to correct any errors that might otherwise prevent legitimate votes from being counted and that no abuse of the process can taint the upcoming Hamden municipal election. Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. will continue to monitor the Absentee Ballot Request process throughout Connecticut as we fight for free and fair elections.

The case has been docketed as Bonadies, et al. v. Morrison, et al., NNH-CV19-6097275-S

Full Complaint: http://civilinquiry.jud.ct.gov/DocumentInquiry/DocumentInquiry.aspx?DocumentNo=17986696

Complete Docket: http://civilinquiry.jud.ct.gov/CaseDetail/PublicCaseDetail.aspx?DocketNo=NNHCV196097275S



Linda SzynkowiczFounder & CEO – (860) 575-7125 /
Dominic RapiniVP of Marketing & Development

Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. www.fightvoterfraud.org is a non-profit 501c (4) employing a team of investigators and analysts to identify and Fight Voter Fraud, Inc’s mission is to seek out and resolve incidents of voter fraud and discrepancies in the process that leave open the question of fraud in Connecticut’s municipalities. The mission of Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. is to create the conditions for free and fair elections guaranteeing the fundamental right of  ‘One vote per one legal voter’ .

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