Connecticut – Earlier this month, Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. notified every state senator and representative of a recent analysis of the Connecticut voter roll. This analysis has uncovered thousands of deceased registrants and hundreds of active voters potentially registered to vote more than once, and – according to government records – may have been assigned voting credits in two states in the 2018 General Elections on current CT voting rolls. This is a violation of the federal 1993 “Motor Voter Law” (NVRA), which mandates that states constantly update and maintain their voter rolls.
The certified mail sent to every state senator and representative included the Amicus Brief prepared by Public Interest Legal Foundation (2019) and the letter sent to the Secretary of the State Denise Merrill in July 2020. Both outline the numerous violations that were also uncovered by the Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. research team. “The tasks we have undertaken are long, arduous, and tedious,” said Linda Szynkowicz, Founder and CEO. “Our efforts help to free up law enforcement from doing the due diligence of collecting the necessary data. Fight Voter Fraud, Inc., wants to make sure we are accurate with the information we are bringing forward and that justice will prevail.”
Every CT legislator has been provided this critical information and was challenged to act and pass legislation that ensures voter rolls are aligned with the constitution. As public officials, it is their duty to protect our democratic process. Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. stands ready to assist in this battle for free and fair elections, ensuring “One Vote for One Legal Voter”TM.