More Questions Raised about Election Data Integrity
Voting data indicates potential underaged voters in 2020 election

MARCH 23, 2021 – Fight Voter Fraud, Inc. – Research into Connecticut’s 2020 election data reveals evidence of underage voting. Six individuals registered on the Connecticut voter rolls are listed as being under 18 years-old on November 3, 2020. This new report follows the recent discovery of data indicating over 100 instances of voters voting twice in last fall’s general election.

Press Release– Underaged Voter Data


We’re fighting the Bridgeport Ballot stuffing case head-on. The Connecticut AG has called us “vigilantes.” Now, we’re going to the CT Supreme Court to fight for every legal voter’s voice to be heard. Bringing our case to the Connecticut Supreme Court requires resources from the generous support of individuals like you who believe in the power of “We The People.”

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